Here it is **updated w/o errors**. It's also in the downloads section.
"Go fast and take chances" is my motto on the ski-slopes, but it doesn't work too well on review keys. (Or for Sunny Bono...) If you find an error, comment or email please. 1 EC test point for each error!
Feb 27, 2008
Precalc Review Key
Posted by
Marshall Thompson
1:49 PM
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From Adam Hockert
3.f. says to compound continuously and you cmopounded monthly again, should be A=Pert or A=3000e(.08)(4)
From Adam Hockert
On # 30 You didn't draw the vertical shift of 3 and the amplitude isn't 3, its 1
Adam is right on both counts. Clearly I have dislexia with #39...I graphed -3cos(6x), not what is on the sheet. Adam gets 2 EC points.
Sorry about that ALL.
Adam... give me some of your points i need an aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Actually, I'm the ski captain now, so i demand you give me your points!
Also, just because i need points, I am going to say that you mis-correctly labeled number 25. There should be coordinates and there should be angle measures around the unit circle. If you ask me, if all those are worth one point i demand like... 32 points. Ha.. like that will happen.
From Erik Beck
number 33 reference angle 60 degrees instead of 30?
Ummm, i'm pretty sure 3 radians is less than a pi radian(which as you know =3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609), so its graphed wrong i think, but if it was -3 radians u would be right.
Or i'm just completely wrong, and i just embarassed my self on the world wide web, who knows
OGOD.......Please completely disregard my last comment..........i am completely wrong....... Ouch i am sorry, the graph looked a little weird to me, but now i get it....
Ch. 5 Worked Out Solutions.....?
Sorry Ashley...they are at school...I didn't want to put them up right away'll get them soon enough. Do what you can and come with questions tomorrow!
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