Jan 25, 2007

Chapter 3 Review Key

Here it is.


Anonymous said...

In the future could you post optional practice problems from the book for those people who need extra review? I feel that I understand the work, but a few extra problems aside from the review would boost my confidence before the test.

Marshall Thompson said...

Yes, I'm still figuring out all of the possibilities of this thing. There are many resources at our textbook's site. Scroll down to the section on exponential/logarithmic equations and you should be able to find videos and practice problems.

Here's the link again:

Marshall Thompson said...

You'll need to allow popups for the site to work, though.

Anonymous said...

THOMPSON! how do we do the take home test?! its quite confusing...like i dont understand how to set up the equation..........u should make a key for it and post it

-Dom (hr 1)

Marshall Thompson said...

I'm sorry, I won't have time to respond until Sunday. Perhaps I'll give a hint then.

The THT isn't really that bad. It's a straightforward probleb...don't make it more difficult than it really is.