Jun 2, 2008

HP Precalc Final Review

OK, my regular uploading site, fileden, isn't working, so this is a band-aid and hopefully I can come up with a better link tomorrow. I'd prefer a direct link, but this will have to do.

Click here to download the review.


Laurin said...

Number 7 should be


the bottom cancels out

Anonymous said...

Your # 18 makes no sense. You make a -sin^2x*cos^2+sin^2=sin^2(1-cos^2). I don't know how you did that, I'm not saying its wrong, but you definitely did more than one step and i have no idea what those steps were.

Jordan Graen said...

Well, after a long time, i figured out that other question, but for 87, i'm pretty sure it should be y+2 not y-2 because the center is (0,-2) and it's y-k, so y--2=y+2. So methinks it should be y+2.

Anonymous said...

For number 83 we found that you standard equation is off and that instead of (y-4)^2=4(x+3), h should equal 2 becuase the center is at (2,4) and not (3,4)..You accidentally put the focus into the standard equation

Marshall Thompson said...

#7- Not sure what you mean...

#87- You are correct. My mistake.

#83- You are correct. My mistake.

Keep them coming: EC for mistake finders!

Anonymous said...

Hey pierce and me(harry) both get it right? cause yeah we ate at Panda then found the error at the church aha.

Marshall Thompson said...

Yeah, that's fine. Good job. Panda still sounds good.

Laurin said...

Number 7 is correct in the key. I screwed up a little...

Jordan Graen said...

for 92 in your "equation" answer, i believe you have an extra 'x' attached to the -12 on the right hand side.

Jordan Graen said...

Number 94, the second vertex should be (3, -7) i believe, because a=5, not 6.

Jordan Graen said...

okay this one, i'm not to sure about, but i think for 103, the magnitude is closer to 8.5, not three, but i'm not real confident with those problems, but I think it should be 8.5, because you would have <3i,8j> (right? I think...) and the magnitude of that vector is like 8.5

Marshall Thompson said...

#92-Yup extra x is right. Not sure why I would put that on there...weird

#94-Oh yes this was brought to my attention by Ashley R earlier today I think. Meant to let everyone know...

#103-Typo in the problem. The second coefficient should be 3. Sorry.

Marshall Thompson said...

FYI I'm going to bed. With any luck I'll be in @ 6:45 tomorrow morning if any of you have more questions.

Anonymous said...

Okay. So in 91 you say that a=2 so isnt your graph wrong because you show that the vertices are at
(2,5) and (2,-3) but in your answer on the right you say the vertices are (2,3) and (2,-1) cause the center is (2,1) and you add and subtract a which is 2 and you get (2,3) and (2,-1)

Laurin said...


you've got a typo in your solution.

should be

y^2 = 8x

Marshall Thompson said...

Yes, the graph appears to be pretty crude.